FemmeVox 8
Sun, Mar 30, 2025 8:00 PM
Amanda Lowe
Ambre McLean
Larissa Desrosiers
Mimi O’Bonsawin
What is FemmeVox?
A concert series featuring established and emerging singer-songwriters.
Artists work together in pairs to write brand new compositions to premiere at each concert.
Ticket info: $35 General Admission.
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Featured Artists:
Amanda Lowe Warnakulasuriya
Born in Sri Lanka, raised on Prince Edward Island, and based in Ottawa, Amanda Lowe Warnakulasuriya creates enchanting and heartbreaking experimental-folk music. Blending in her roots - from both islands that raised her, she builds sentient walls of sound that help you grieve and love, making you feel both nostalgic and at home, all at once. With a voice like honey, Amanda breaks your heart open, only to make you feel whole again.
Find Amanda on Instagram or Facebook.
Mimi O’Bonsawin is a contemporary roots singer-songwriter born in Northeastern Ontario and is mixed French Canadian & Abénaki, a member of Odanak First-Nation. Through her rhythm and story-driven songs, Mimi’s music embraces the beauty of Land. The ethereal quality of her music whisks you away with uplifting melodies and introspective lyrics that weave pop sensibilities with acoustic instruments. The layers of percussion and surprising harmonies make you feel the music rather than just hear it.
Fresh off a Spring tour in France, which included Festivals and sold-out Concerts, Mimi released her first ever Live Album ‘LIVE IN CONCERT’ in May 2024, recorded in her hometown of Sudbury, ON. Her two previous releases are: Willow (March 2023) and Boréale (September 2023).
Find Mimi on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.
Larissa Desrosiers
Larissa Desrosiers is an Anishinaabekwe Singer/Songwriter from Couchiching First Nation in Treaty #3. Her music is a blend of folk-inspired sounds and Indigenous issues. Larissa is almost finished her Bachelor of Music Honours Undergraduate Degree with a minor in Indigenous Studies at Carleton University. Her new ventures in art have brought her to start her own beadwork business, Bangishimon Beadwork. Her future aspirations include releasing music, touring and growing her business. Whether on stage with her guitar or at her desk with her beads, Larissa’s goal has always been to create space for healing, grieving, imagination and social growth. She was part of the FemmeVox3 lineup in 2020, where she collaborated on an original song with Amanda Rheaume. Whether it’s music, visual arts, or human rights, Larissa moves through life with an unwavering passion to help her people.
Find Larissa on Facebook.
For Ambre McLean, music is everything – and everything is music. Born to a household of traveling troubadours, Ambre‘s musical education began early as all the most important life lessons do – the very beginning…
“I consider music my first language. So when I think about the people in my life, and the moments that have defined me – I do it with music first. When I need to work something out, or tell a story, or convey a message – music is my medium. It’s how I communicate best with this world.”
This message becomes quickly apparent to any listener experiencing Ambre‘s music. As she seamlessly flows between the jovial and the melancholy, from one instrument to another, Ambre seems to both marry musical genres and render them irrelevant all at the same time.
A staple of the Candian indie and folk music scenes for nearly 2 decades, McLean has become renowned for her live performances. While her multi-instrumental approach, and compelling songwriting set the stage, it’s Ambre‘s unique and captivating voice that truly steps into the spotlight. With the help of her trusty loop pedal, and a bag of musical magic tricks, Ambre creates soundscapes that seem to wash over you and swallow you whole – that then make way for touching and intimate soliloquies that set your heart free.
Find Ambre on Instagram.