Land Acknowledgement
The GCTC staff, board and volunteers acknowledge that we are privileged to today be able to work, create, play, and live on the traditional unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin peoples, who have been and continue to be the keepers and defenders of this land, from time immemorial.
We would like to take this time to show our gratitude and respect to them, and to the land for all that it provides us.
Please Note
The Visit is approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes long, plus a 20-minute intermission.
The use of personal cameras or recording devices in the theatre is strictly prohibited.
Cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off.
Please don't walk in the performance area of the stage.
Enjoy the Show!
Artistic Director’s Note
Image Description: A black and white photo of a person, Sarah, who has their hands on their knee, one crossed over the other. They are wearing a polka dotted button up shirt and have curly hair. They are looking intently at the camera.
Welcome to the twenty-third annual Lawyer Play – a partnership between the County of Carleton Law Association and GCTC. Since the first Lawyer Play was launched, this team has raised over $2 million. In addition to the funds that it raises for our beloved theatre, the CCLA and GCTC partnership will generate $10,000 for our 2023 charity partner: Belong Ottawa, an organization that helps people who are precariously housed or homeless. Their programs offer a safe space for people to have a meal, do laundry, take a shower, and gather together so they are not alone.
When the pandemic descended and gathering became impossible, community organizations St. Luke’s Table, the Well, and Centre 454 quickly banded together to respond to the community they serve. Staff and volunteers made meals to deliver to residents in isolation, along with distributing prepaid cell phones throughout the community. The staff of these three community organizations asked themselves why they couldn’t continue to work together as one organization rather than as three separate programs, and so Belong Ottawa was born.
Their mission to provide safe spaces that connect people and create community continued against all pandemic odds. Belong Ottawa continues to offer programs that address basic needs and foster dignity, wellness and hope for all.
Each year, the Lawyer Play Committee works cooperatively with GCTC’s artistic team to select a suitable project. This year they were brave enough to accept my oddball pitch of Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s The Visit - written in the wake of WWII it is a bizarre tragicomedy; part folktale, part love story, part revenge drama, and a scathing indictment of capitalism. It has an eccentric ensemble of characters played to perfection by the cast, and features Janice Payne and Ted Mann in the leads, which feels appropriate given their many years of peerless contribution to this project. I am so grateful that they said yes.
All of the actors onstage are volunteers, giving of their time and energy to make this happen. Our sincere thanks to them for channeling their generosity through their love of theatre. And to you, the audience, for doing the same.
Enjoy the show!
Sarah Kitz
Director’s Note
My first professional job after graduating theatre school was working on a Lawyer Play, serving as Assistant Stage Manager on 2003’s The Government Inspector. I joined the crew just before tech week to help wrangle 20+ lawyers, paralegals, law students, and justices.
In the 20 (!!) years since, I’ve had the good fortune to be invited back to work on nine additional Lawyer Plays, most recently as director of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in 2014. So when GCTC called to ask if I’d be available to come back this year again to direct, it seemed like a no-brainer, right? When you’re given the opportunity to work with Ottawa’s best lawyer-actors you don’t say no.
Of course it helps when the script is as insightful, prescient, and funny as The Visit. Despite being close to 70 years old, playwright Frederich Dürrenmatt’s themes of justice, vengeance, morality, and the dangers of capitalism could have been ripped from today’s headlines.
And like Claire’s return to Güllen, directing The Visit was a return to my roots (I’m certainly greyer and softer than I was before), reuniting with the village that it takes to bring the project together: a fantastic (and, also much like Güllen, quirky) group of lawyers, designers, stage managers, and technicians – without whose passion, dedication, and countless billable hours this production would not have been possible.
I don’t have much in common with Claire Zachanassian, but I do know what it’s liked to be welcomed back (at least temporarily) with open arms. I hope it’s not another nine years before I see you all again!
Note from the Lawyer Play Committee Chairs
On behalf of the Lawyer Play Committee and the cast, we welcome you to tonight’s performance of The Visit.
This year marks the 23rd annual Lawyer Play. Thanks to your amazing support, this event continues to be one of the GCTC’s most important fundraisers. Over the past 23 years, more than 300 legal professionals have sold about 21,000 tickets to raise over $2 million for the GCTC and our designated charity partners. This fundraising helps the GCTC to achieve its mission: To foster, produce and promote excellent theatre that provokes examination of Canadian life and our place in the world.
This year, the Committee selected Belong Ottawa as the charity partner. Belong Ottawa is a local organization that provides support, essential services, and meals to anyone who is homeless or living precariously due to poverty. We are very proud to be able to contribute to the important work of this organization.
We would like to thank our brilliant director, Patrick Gauthier, for transforming the script into the clever performance you will see tonight. The cast has been delighted to receive direction from such a creative friend. We would also like to thank our tireless and cheerful Stage Managers, Anna Wood and Alana Malanga, and everyone in the GCTC's creative and production teams. We are so lucky for the opportunity to work with such talented professionals.
The Committee also wishes to express our gratitude to the sponsors. Your generous contributions are essential to the ongoing success of this important fundraiser.
To you, our audience, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks. You are the most important part of the performance. Your enthusiastic support is what makes the Lawyer Play such a wonderful success.
We hope you enjoy the show!
Brett Hodgins and Daniel Hohnstein
Co-Chairs - Lawyer Play Committee 2022
A Note from Belong Ottawa
Belong Ottawa is a Community Ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa. Working from 3 sites, Belong Ottawa supports people experiencing poverty, homelessness, or who are at risk of homelessness in Lowertown and Centretown Ottawa. We provide safe spaces that connect people and create community. We offer programs that address basic needs and foster dignity, wellness and hope for all.
Tragically, in the fall of 2022, our site at St. Luke’s Church on Somerset St. experienced a serious fire, temporarily closing the building for repairs. Our St. Luke’s site was displaced to The Bronson Centre where we continue to provide food and other support services to the displaced participants. The off-site meal preparation, packaging, and delivery costs impact every meal that we serve at the Bronson Centre which translates to a projected $13,000 shortfall in funding for the 2023 year.
Belong Ottawa is grateful to be chosen as the 2023 Charity Partner of the Ottawa Lawyer Play and intends to use the funds raised to offset the financial impact of the fire/displacement on our program costs. Many members of the Belong Ottawa community together with our families and friends will be attending each performance of the Ottawa Lawyer Play. We welcome you to visit our display table for conversation, connection and community building!
Note from the CCLA President
The County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA) along with the Great Canadian Theatre Company (GCTC) is proud to present this year’s Lawyer Play!
The Lawyer Play has become a must-see and one of the most anticipated events in the legal social calendar. Starting in 1999, over 300 lawyers, law students, paralegals, Associate Judges, Judges and Justices of the Peace, have dedicated countless hours while selling more than 20,000 tickets and earning sponsorships. Over two million dollars has been raised in support of the GCTC and our charity partners.
This year we partner with Belong Ottawa. Belong Ottawa helps people who are precariously housed or homeless and provides safe spaces so that everyone has a place where they feel they belong and where they are not alone. It seeks to create an inclusive community offering programs that address basic needs and foster dignity, wellness and hope for all.
The CCLA congratulates everyone involved, including CCLA members, friends and volunteers who have worked so hard to make this such a great annual event. The Lawyers Play demonstrates and highlights the dedication of those committed to making a difference in our community.
The CCLA is Ottawa and Eastern Ontario’s leading association for the legal community. We are the second-largest law association in Ontario with over 1500 members. We are dedicated to promoting justice and supporting and advancing the interests of our members. We provide continuing legal education and research support through our tremendous staff team on key issues facing the legal profession.
Congratulations to all involved in this fantastic play. Enjoy the show!
Andrew Ferguson
CCLA President
Note from the Dean, uOttawa Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Que le rideau se lève!
Acte 1 – Des gens incroyables étudient la common law à l’Université d’Ottawa.
Acte 2 – Ces gens talentueux obtiennent leur diplôme de la Faculté de droit.
Acte 3 – D’extraordinaires diplômées et diplômés redonnent à la communauté en jouant dans la pièce annuelle des juristes de l’Association du barreau du comté de Carleton et de la Great Canadian Theatre Company.
Au nom du corps professoral, du personnel et de la population étudiante de la Faculté de droit, Section de common law de l’Université d’Ottawa, j’applaudis la participation sur scène et en coulisse de toute la distribution, de l’équipe technique et tout particulièrement des membres de la communauté diplômée, des professeures et professeurs à temps partiel, ainsi que des mentores et mentors à la pièce annuelle des juristes de 2023 présentée par l’Association du barreau du comté de Carleton et la Great Canadian Theatre Company : The Visit.
Comme c’est agréable de travailler de concert pour atteindre deux objectifs : s’amuser et recueillir des fonds!
À nos yeux, Belong Ottawa fait un travail admirable auprès des gens en situation de précarité de logement ou d’itinérance, les aidant à se réunir et à développer un sentiment d’appartenance grâce à divers programmes qui leur offrent des espaces sûrs. Votre appui témoigne véritablement de votre volonté à changer le monde, un idéal qui pousse bien des gens à étudier et à pratiquer le droit.
Merci de jouer un tel rôle sur la scène locale. Et bravo à toute communauté diplômée de la Section common law : vous méritez une ovation debout!
Lights! Camera! Alumni!
Act 1 — Amazing people study common law at University of Ottawa.
Act 2 — Talented people graduate from the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa.
Act 3 — Extraordinary Common Law alumni give back to their community by performing in the Annual CCLA/GCTC Lawyer Play.
On behalf of the professors, staff and students of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (Common Law Session), I applaud all the cast and crew — especially the many uOttawa alumni and part-time professors and mentors — for their contributions, on and off stage, to the 2023 CCLA/GCTC Lawyer Play: The Visit.
It’s perfect when people gather and accomplish two goals: to have fun and to raise money. At uOttawa Law, we love that Belong Ottawa helps people who are precariously housed or homeless connect and create community through programs that provide safe spaces. Your support of their programs really testifies to your passion to make a difference — one of the main reasons people study and practise law.
Thank you for acting for your community. A standing ovation to all Common Law alumni!
Kristen Boon
Doyenne Susan-et-Perry-Dellelce | Susan & Perry Dellelce Dean
Faculté de droit, Section de common law
Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa
Credits and Acknowledgements
Friedrich Dürrenmatt | Playwright
Patrick Gauthier* | Director
Allison Russell
Amanda Montague-Reinholdt
Andrea Baldy
Bob Beaudoin
Brett Hodgins
Charles Feldman
Dahlia Shuhaibar
Dan Hohnstein
Dan Moore
Elliott Buckland
Genevieve Therrien
Hana Ahmad
Indrani Laroche
Janice Payne
Jonathan Constable
Maggie MacDonald
Matt Shogilev
Natasha Chettier
Paige Miltenburg
Russel Molot
Talia Deslauriers
Tara Berish
Ted Mann
Creative Team & Stage Management
Alana Malanga | Assistant Stage Manager
Anna Wood | Stage Manager
Billie Nell | Costume Designer
Florence Letarte | Lighting Designer
Nick Di Gaetano | Sound Designer
Will Somers | Set Designer
* The participation of this Artist is arranged by permission of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association under the provisions of the Dance•Opera•Theatre Policy.
Production Crew
Kyle Ahluwalia | Technical Director
Stephanie Dahmer | Head of Props & Head Scenic Painter
Vanessa Imeson | Head of Wardrobe
Jonah Maybear | Assistant Technical Director, Head of Carpentry
Valerie-Josephine Trudel | Assistant Technical Director
The Great Canadian Theatre Company engages members of the Local 471 of the International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees.
GCTC acknowledges the support of the Ontario Arts Council (OAC), an agency of the Government of Ontario, which last year funded 1,737 individual artists and 1,095 organizations in 223 communities across Ontario for a total of $52.1 million.
GCTC engages, under the terms of Canadian Theatre Agreement, professional artists who are members of the Canadian Actors' Equity Association.
The Cast
Allison Russell
Frau Schill / Boom Mic Operator
This is Allison's sixth time participating in the Lawyer Play and she is thrilled to be back as a member of cast for The Visit! When she is not rehearsing, Allison practices civil litigation with the law firm Kelly Santini LLP. She would like to thank her family, friends and colleagues who have come out to the show – enjoy!
Amanda Montague-Reinholdt
Amanda is thrilled to return for another Lawyer Play! Favourite past roles include Helena in A Midsummer Night's Dream and Gloriana in The Mouse That Roared. She takes the stage this year in the role of Lobby, which can't be easily summarized in a bio so you will just have to watch and see! When she’s not skipping around onstage, Amanda works as a labour, employment, and human rights lawyer at RavenLaw LLP. She is grateful to her family, friends, and colleagues for their support of this great charitable event and, of course, of her.
Andréa Baldy
Fourth Man, First Woman
“Incredibly happy and honoured to be back on stage among such a fantastic cast. My DIY projects can wait, the Lawyer Play is back! Thank you to the GCTC team for their dedication and creativity, to Caza Saikaley LLP for their ongoing support since I first joined the Lawyer Play in 2018, and to all of you for supporting such a great cause year after year."
Bob Beaudoin
The Butler (Bobby)
The Hon. Robert (Bob) Beaudoin is a retired Superior Court judge who plays the role of the retired Chief Magistrate Bobby. He returns to the Lawyer play after a nine year absence and he is grateful for being included in a group of young talented members of the legal community. He’s very happy to see old friends and to have Patrick Gauthier at the helm of this year’s production.
Brett Hodgins
The Visit is the eighth of Brett's Lawyer Play appearances - accumulated over the years like so many husbands! This year, Brett feels excited to deliver a few, brief, words as Güllen's morally-fungible Burgomaster (German for "Master of the Burg"). Prior (and subsequent) to venturing into German municipal politics, Brett acts as commercial litigation lawyer with Mann Lawyers LLP. Brett thanks all attendees for supporting the GCTC and Belong Ottawa, as well as his loved ones, supporters, and kids for their patience and help over the weeks of rehearsals. Please keep your arms and legs away from the panther at all times, and enjoy the show.
Charlie Feldman
The Painter, Second Townsman
Charlie Feldman is delighted to be in his second lawyer play after War of Two Worlds in 2019. Outside of the Lawyer Play, he performs “to the standard of a competent lawyer” from time to time and holds a certificate in misapplying and misinterpreting statutes. He is a self-described “parliament nerd” whose academic ramblings on legislative matters are alleged to cure insomnia in some people. He is VERY single.
Dahlia Shuhaibar
Second Woman, Frau Burgomaster, Photographer
Dahlia is excited to be taking part in the 2023 lawyer play. This is her first time participating in the lawyer play, and her first time acting! Dahlia is proud to be supporting the GCTC and Belong Ottawa, and she is very impressed with the GCTC team and the talent of her colleagues in the Ottawa bar. Offstage, Dahlia practices public law and civil litigation at Olthuis van Ert in Ottawa and Vancouver.
Dan Hohnstein
Dan is thrilled to be part of GCTC’s Lawyer Play again this year, having previously participated in the productions of The Crucible (2011), His Girl Friday (2012), The Best Man (2013), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2014), Parfumerie (2015), The Mouse that Roared (2016), Macbeth (2017), The Rule of Three (2018), and The War of Two Worlds (2019). As in years past, Dan is awed by the brilliant production team, the excellent crew, and the talented cast of the show. He is very grateful for the chance to work with everyone on this fun (and important) fundraising project. When he is not fishing for pike near the town of Güllen, Dan is a Partner at Tereposky & DeRose LLP, where he specializes in international trade law.
Dan Moore
The Son / The Conductor
Dan works as legal counsel with the Human Rights Law Section at the Department of Justice Canada. This is his seventh lawyer play, and he’s very grateful for another opportunity to work with the great staff at GCTC and the cast of the play. He would like to thank all of his colleagues and friends who have come out to see the show. And special thanks to lovely Chris, for all of his support.
Genevieve Therrien
The Doctor
Geneviève is thrilled to be back on the stage with such a talented group of lawyers/actors for her second Lawyer Play. As a busy third-year litigation lawyer, she feels so lucky to have the opportunity to continue to pursue her passion for the performing arts and theatre. Geneviève completed her bachelor’s degree in Theatre at the University of Ottawa and continued to act during law school in the yearly musicals organized by the University of Ottawa’s law students’ musical theatre club, FTX Productions. She would like to thank her family and friends, and her colleagues from Caza Saikaley s.r.l./LLP for their continued support.
Elliott Buckland
Elliott is a long-time audience member, first time participant in the Lawyer Play. He spends his days making coffee, eating granola, and as Deputy Director for Bilateral Relations with Europe at Natural Resources Canada. And no, he is not a lawyer, just fell down the right rabbit hole and they brought him on board. They didn't even make him take the Bar Exam, just assigned him to re-watch 'My Cousin Vinny'.
Hana Ahmad-Yousuf
The Teacher
Hana practices primarily in Family Law including as a panel lawyer for the Office of the Children's Lawyer. She also represents clients before the Consent and Capacity Board. She enjoys singing and has been a member of various local choirs including the Canterbury Alumni Trebles and Harmonia choirs. Hana has also regularly performed at the Expressions of Muslim Women show and at the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa as both a vocal soloist and in vocal duets with her daughter Nuha. This will be her first time participating in the Lawyer's Play.
Indrani Laroche
First Man
Indrani’s 5th Lawyer Play? This is getting to be a habit. With a background in garage band rock and film, she works in law managing legislative counsel at the Department of Justice (not Charlie, thank goodness).
Janice Payne
Claire Zachanassian
Janice is delighted to be cast in the twenty-third Lawyer Play and to be working again with her professional colleagues and the excellent staff and crew of the GCTC in this important and creative fundraiser for GCTC and for our charity partner this year, Belong Ottawa. Her past (and favourite) roles include Rebecca Nurse in The Crucible, Peter Quince in Midsummer Night’s Dream and Queen Duncan in the Scottish Play. Her role this year in The Visit as Claire Zachanassian, opposite Ted Mann as Anton Schill, is an exciting new challenge that she is enjoying immensely. The Lawyer Play remains a welcome distraction from Janice’s busy day (and night) job advising and advocating for her employment law clients. This is her eleventh Lawyer Play, in addition to three cameos in earlier productions. A warm and heat-felt thank you to her family, friends and colleagues for their generous support of The Visit, the GCTC and our charity partner, and for helping us all to make a positive difference in our community. She dedicates her performance this year in loving memory of her husband, Russell Lyon, who from the beginning, and always, encouraged and supported her commitment to the Lawyer Play.
Jonathan Constable
The Policeman
Jonathan Constable is an Associate Lawyer practicing civil litigation at Nelligan Law. Before becoming a lawyer, Jon completed an MSc in Neuroscience at Carleton University where he was actively involved in the outreach community. He has participated in theatre productions since childhood and is happy to have the chance to continue in adulthood. In his spare time, Jon enjoys hanging out at home on the back deck with his partner and 3 cats.
Maggie MacDonald
Third Man / The Delivery Man
Maggie is thrilled to be participating in her first ever Ottawa Lawyer Play. A lifelong lover of musical theatre, Maggie has sung and danced her way through Anne of Green Gables, Fiddler on the Roof, Legally Blonde and Mamma Mia, and is excited to participate in her first ever play! Thankfully as a member of the talented Güllen choir, she won’t miss the music too much. In real life, Maggie is a litigator at Cavanagh LLP and spends a large portion of her free time cheering for her beloved Hamilton Tiger Cats football team.
Matt Shogilev
Matthew is a lawyer at the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. This is his first appearance in the Lawyer Play. His last theatrical performance was in grade three.
Natasha Chettiar
The Pastor
Natasha is thrilled to be taking to the stage for her fourth Lawyer Play in this year's production of The Visit. She is excited to play the holiest of characters: the town Pastor. In addition to all the enjoyment of putting on the play, Natasha is proud to be fundraising with her castmates for the GCTC and this year’s charity partner, Belong Ottawa. She is so grateful to her family, friends, and firm for generously supporting and sponsoring the event. When not providing spiritual guidance to the townspeople of Güllen, Natasha is a family lawyer with Robins Naik LLP and serves as the chair of the Board of Directors of the GCTC. She sincerely wishes to thank the talented production team, director, and cast for their commitment to the Lawyer Play and the theatre, and thanks all in attendance for supporting the show. Praise be!
Paige Miltenburg
Second Man
Paige Miltenburg maintains a broad civil litigation practice at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP in Ottawa. She practices primarily in the areas of health law, professional negligence, and estates litigation. Paige has always loved the theatre. She grew up in rural southwestern Ontario and starred in many community theatre productions in her home community. At age 12, Paige had a short stint as a playwright when the play she wrote for a school project was produced and performed in her home community of Lucknow, Ontario. While Paige was in law school at the University of Ottawa, she starred in three musical productions, including Mamma Mia and Grease, which were produced and performed by the law students. She is super excited for her debut in the Lawyer Play this year and has enjoyed working with the incredible cast and crew to create this show.
Russel Molot
The Station Master / First Townsman
Russ returned to the stage in last year’s Lawyer Play, after a 15-year hiatus, in the roles of Granger, Digger, and an FBI agent. He started acting in grade school and has played roles such as Cpl. Max Klinger in M*A*S*H, and for earlier Lawyer Plays he was Archie in Walking on Water (2002) and Teddy in Arsenic and Old Lace (2006). Russ thanks his wife and kids for their great support and is thrilled to be helping both the GCTC and Belong Ottawa.
Talia Deslauriers
The Daughter
Talia Deslauriers is an Articling Student with Services Juridiques Orbis Legal Services. An avid thespian in high school, she participated in the Sears Ontario Drama Festival and the Festival Théâtre Action. Missing the stage (and the drama) during her university years, she was eager to participate in the GCTC's Lawyer Play, and ecstatic to learn that lawyers do indeed know how to have fun outside of work hours. She is thankful to the whole crew for taking her in.
Tara Berish
First Blind Man (Kobby) / Radio Reporter
Tara Berish is delighted to return to the Lawyer Play after a “brief” break. She took part in many productions in the before times, playing everyone from witches to mathematicians to French maids. She is pleased to add the part of Kobby to her list.
Ted Mann
Anton Schill
I’m thrilled to be back again on stage to support GCTC and the charity partner this year, Belong Ottawa. I have lost count of the number of lawyers’ plays I’ve been in- all I know is I have a great time when I do the play and always want to come back for more. This year, to play opposite Janice Payne could not be more fun!!! As for my day job, I am retired from the practice of law and therefore have more time to learn my lines!
Proud Sponsor
of the CCLA/GCTC Lawyer Play
The Creative Team
Alana Malanga
Assistant Stage Manager
Alana Malanga (Assistant stage manager) is very excited to be part of her first Lawyer Play with the GCTC! She is in her final semester at uOttawa majoring in Theatre and Psychology. While in school she has had the opportunity to work as an SM on past projects such as Why Worry About Their Futures at Undercurrents, Forbidden Love Cabaret with LBMT, @TheMayor at Fringe, and uOttawa productions such as Mother Medea and the BFA’s production of Les Belles Sœurs. When she isn’t stage managing, Alana enjoys acting and singing around the Ottawa area! Alana would like to thank director Patrick Gauthier and the GCTC for allowing her to be part of this amazing production!
Anna Wood
Stage Manager
Anna holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Technical Theatre with a specialization in Stage Management from the University of Alberta. Career highlights include working with Firefly Theatre (Edmonton), Theatre Network (Edmonton), Foote Theatre School, Citadel Theatre (Edmonton), Calgary Arts Academy (Calgary), Pilobolus (Connecticut, USA), Yiddish Summer Weimar (Weimar, Germany), 10 Gates Dancing (Ottawa), KlezKanada (Montreal), Propeller Dance (Ottawa), Festival of Small Halls Ontario, and Ottawa Bluesfest.
She’s thrilled to be bringing her stage management skills to GCTC for The Lawyer Play.
Billie Nell
Costume Designer
Billie (they/them) is an arts organizer, actor, and spoken word artist who has performed on national and international stages including: Canadian Individual Poetry Slam (2022), Scottish Poetry Slam Championships (2021), Scotland’s International Poetry Festival StAnza Slam (2020, winner), Canadian Festival of Spoken Word (2015, 2016, 2018). Billie is director of Urban Legends Poetry Collective. Recently, Billie acted in the role of Joshua in Forever Young: A Ghetto Story by Darrah Teitel at GCTC, and they worked as a production design assistant under the mentorship of Vanessa Imeson on GCTC’s production of The Unplugging by Yvette Nolan. They are so grateful to be working with Vanessa at GCTC again on the 2023 Lawyer Play, The Visit, their first costume design project.
Florence Letarte
Lighting Designer
Queer artist and Theatre and Feminist studies major, Florence Letarte flourishes at the intersection between both. The pandemic brought their serendipitous start as a technician at La Nouvelle Scène, where they feel most at home. They are interested in stage design, directing, and lately lighting design… anything that titillates creativity in them and keeps them backstage!
In 2022, Florence was a recipient of Ottawa’s Rich Little Award for their directing of Two Separate Goodbyes at the Youth Infringement Festival. Their past work in lighting design includes Laitue matinal.e with the Théâtre Catapulte, and Tortues, orgasme et fin du monde and L’Ombre de soi with the Projet 3eoeil, and soon Durant des années with the Théâtre du Trillium and the Théâtre Catapulte.
Outside of the tech booth, Florence can be found leash training their adorable cat and playing Animal Crossing.
Nick Di Gaetano
Sound Designer
Nick is a comedian and musician whose career includes clown shows, puppet shows, improv shows, shows for children, bands, voice overs, musical direction, sound design and tons of original music for stage, screen and stereos. He holds a BA in Theatre from the University of Ottawa where he currently teaches Sound/Son.
Selected Sound Design/Music credits include: Elsie Piddock Skips in her Sleep (U of O BFA), @TheMayor (Gruppo Rubato), The Persistent Stain (Parry/Riposte), Solstice d’hiver (Théâtre Prospéro/TfT), Les Z’inspiré.e.s 8 + 9 (Théâtre Français de Toronto), Princesse de Personne (Théâtre la Catapulte), Unbridled Futurism (Makesndoes), Toronto, I Love You (Bad Dog Comedy Theatre) and Countries Shaped Like Stars (Play Where You Live).
He lives in Smiths Falls, ON with his beautiful wife Teddy, their two sons, and a cat named Poopoo.
Patrick Gauthier
Patrick Gauthier is an Ottawa based playwright and director, returning to direct his fifth Lawyer Play. Previous Lawyer Play credits include directing The Crucible (2011), His Girl Friday (2012), The Best Man (2013), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2014). He received the 2022 Prix Rideau Award for Outstanding Direction for his most recent play, @TheMayor (which he wrote and directed), after its premiere at the 2022 Ottawa Fringe where it received the “Outstanding Ensemble Performance” award. Patrick is a member of CAEA, the Playwrights Guild of Canada, and holds an MFA in Directing for the Theatre from the University of British Columbia. He teaches scriptwriting and dramaturgy at the University of Ottawa.
Will Somers
Set Designer
Will is often considered to be among Ottawa’s taller theatre artists. As a set designer, Will has worked with companies like Bear & Co, F&F and the university of Ottawa. Will is also a performer, and has recently appeared in @TheMayor (gruppo rubato), Strata Inc ( Megan Piercey Monafu), and Constellations (University of Ottawa).
Board and Staff
GCTC Board of Directors
Chair | Natasha Chettiar
Vice Chair | Michael Aylward
Secretary | Carmelle Cachero
Treasurer | Alison Spiers
Wendy Berkelaar
Lucy Coren
Krista El-Khoury
Maya Fernandez
John Kirkwood
Alison Lantos
Tara Paterson
Megan Piercy Monafu
Christopher Scipio
Jacqui du Toit
GCTC Staff (in alphabetical order)
Education Coordinator | Alyssa English
Box Office Assistant | Billie Nell
Bartender | Caitlin Hart
Company Manager | Celina Hawkins
Ticketing & Administrative Coordinator | Chao Li
Box Office Assistant | Charlotte Stewart-Juby
Access Coordinator | Drea
Managing Director | Hugh Neilson
Marketing & Communications Manager | Natalie Joan MacLellan
Assistant Technical Director, Head of Carpentry | Jonah Maybear
Bartender | Julie Bica
Interim Production Manager | Kevin Waghorn
Box Office Assistant | Kristen Williams
Technical Director | Kyle Ahluwalia
Box Office Manager | Kyle Cameron
Development & Membership Manager | Michelle Gendron
Box Office Assistant | Moksha Singh-Sharpe
Box Office Assistant | Peter Russell
Box Office Assistant | Sara Bruton
Artistic Director | Sarah Kitz
Box Office Assistant | Sarah McKay
Finance & Office Manager | Selam Haile
Head of Props & Head Scenic Painter | Stephanie Dahmer-Brett
Marketing Coordinator | Taylor Vardy
Assistant Technical Director | Valerie-Josephine Trudel
Head of Wardrobe | Vanessa Imeson
Box Office Assistant | Vishesh Abeyratne
GCTC’s Partners
Shannon Reynolds Memorial Endowment Fund
The Charles Dalfen Tribute Fund
Turnbull Family Community Building Foundation
The Wesley and Mary Nicol Charitable Foundation
The Margaret and Kenneth Torrance Family Fund
Community Partners
Membership Program Partners
Bar Lupulus
The Momo Spot
Paradise Poke
The Royal Oak (Wellington Location)
Our Donors
(As of January 2023)
[Image Description: In a black circle. Text “Director’s Circle”, with one work curved on top, and one on the bottom. At the centre is a white and black bee. Black dots connect the two words on either side.]
Director’s Circle ($1000+)
Director’s Circle members enjoy a deeper connection with our creative process through social engagement with artists and other members of the GCTC family. For more information, please contact: Michelle Gendron, Development & Membership Manager, 613-236-5192 ext. 226 or
Alan Braidek
Barbara Legowski and Lewis Auerbach
David Culver
David MacLaren
David Van Dine
Diana Kirkwood
Diane Kampen
Dino Testa
Edward Gray
Elizabeth Kaulback and David Caulfield
Geoffrey Hole
Glenn McInnes
Heather Smith
Hugh Neilson
Jane Morris and Robert Hicks
Janet Yale and Dan Logue
Janice Payne
Jill Hawken
John Kirkwood
Kim Barnhardt
Linda McLaren
Lorna Tener and Brian Toller
Maggie Keith
Margaret Torrence
Nancy Murdock
Natasha Chettiar
Ottawa Community Foundation
Peggy Lister
Raymonde and Stephen Hanson
Richard and Jean Van Loon
Ronald Davies
Sharon Peake
Susan Prosser
Wendy Farrell
Individual Donors
Thank you to all of the individual donors that continue to help us bring great Canadian theatre to our stage. Our donors are the cornerstone of our organization. Donor benefits include: a tax receipt, good karma, and the knowledge that you directly contributed to ensuring the arts can continue to make a positive difference in your community.
If you are considering making a donation, please go to or speak with a box office staff member.
Individual Donors $250-$999
Anonymous (5)
Andrew Lonie
Bernice Marien
Bill Austin
Bob & Lyn McCaw
Brett Hodgins
Brigid Hayes
Carol Macleod
Carol Smale
Caroline Somers
Catherine Bucosky-Tighe
Catherine Burnside
Charlene Jackson
Christopher Tanner
Clarissa Brocklehurst
Diana Kirkwood
Douglas Hill
Eleanor Bennett
Gary Greenman
Gonnie De Witte
Ingrid Moisil
Jane Anderson
Lorna Hughes
Malcolm Collins
Marc & Jane Dumais
Marlene Campbell
Michael Aylward
Mrs Michelle Albagli
Nancy Garrard
Nona & Doug Argue
Robert Bennett
Sandra & Atulesh Nandi
Scarlet Pollock
Stephen Barber
Susan St. Amand
Suzanne Skublics
Sylvia Shortliffe
Willem (Bill) Van Iterson
Individual Donors $100-$249
Anonymous (3)
Adele & Marc Dolgin
Alan Barnes
Amanda Montague-Reinholdt
Andrea Madan
Ann Plummer
Anne DesBrisay
Anne Overton
Barbara Brocklebank
Barbara White
Ben Farmer
Ben Syposz
Bethany Breault
Betty Brousse
Bill and Susan Johnson
Brian Toller
Brian Whitestone
Cameron Laing
Chloe Shantz-Hilkes
Chris Tanner
Christina Cameron
Claude Schryer
Daniel Lusignan
Dave Yaeger
David Black
Debbie Miller
Derwyn Sangster
Diane Crook
Drina Wethey
Edna McLeod
Eileen Maltinsky
Elaine Condos and Ian Macredie
Elizabeth Dickson
Eric & Scott Hebert-Daly
Garry Lindberg
Gary and Marilen Gerber
Gay Richardson
George McTaggart
Geraldine Davidson
Gladys Carrillo
Hal Burnham
Heather Blumenthal
Ian Marshall
Jane Mcnamara
Janet McBurney
Janet Still
Joan Coulter
Joan Holmes
Joelle Hall
Kathy MacKenzie
Kid-Safe Productions Theatre Company
L Eric Wilson
Liza Westwood
Lynn Murphy
Lynne Kerr
Manju Sah
Margaret & Dale Falkenhagen
Marlene Hewitt
Martha & David Granatstein
Mary Ann Turnbull
Maurice Prevost
Merilyn Neilson
Michael Obrecht
Michelle Doody
Mr Guy Archambault
Mr. William Beaudoin
Ms. Chris and Mary Myles
Norah & Tom Hutchinson
Pat & Stan Nicholson
Patricia MacDonald
Peggy (Margaret) Robinson
Peter And Mary Ellen Doody
Peter Mix
Peter Moore
Phil Kretzmar
Philip Jensen
Phyllis Odenbach Sutton
Robert Neufeld
Roger Dowdall
Roxanne Anderson
Sarah Rice
Sarah Speevak
Sharon Ford
Sheila Jain
Stephanie Lalonde
Susan Driedger
Susan Isaac
Tamara Dugas
Tim Stutt
Tom Morison
Individual Donors $50-$99
Anonymous (7)
Agnes Pust
Anne Alper
Anne Gourlay-Langlois
Audrey Bufton
Barbara St.Arnaud
Beth Green
Beverlee Moore
Bill Roddy
Bobbi Soderstrom
Brenda Lee Wilson
Brett Stevens
Carol Silcoff
Caroline Colpitts-Leger
Carolyn Bullock
Carolyn Molson
Cheryl Caldwell
Christiane Wilke
Clarke Cross
Clarke Topp
Darlene Patton
David Potter
David Rain
Debbie Lapointe
Denise Chong
Diana Somers
Diane McComb
Don Cooper
Donna Bowel-Willer
Donna Horner
Donna Mulvihill
Dorothy Wood
Dr Spencer Henson
Edward Buglas
Eliane Herz-Fischler
Euphemia Johnson
Gerald Gagnon
Glenn Robbins
Gord Powers
Greg & Barbara Reynolds
Helene Goulet
Hilary Clauson
Iain Moggach
Jacques Morin
James Taylor
Jane Breen
Jane Trites
Janet Laba
Janice Palmer
Joan Heyding
John Warren
Judith Wiesinger
Karen Vandenhoven
Kate Schissler
Ken & Debbie Rubin
Laura White
Linda Rossman
Lisa Nafziger
Lisa Rosenberg
Louise Plouffe
Margaret McGee
Marjorie Pettigrew
Mary Wiggin
Maureen Sly
Megan Neil
Molly Olshefsky
Morna Paterson
Mr. Nikita Lopoukhine
Ms Rosemary Lowe
Nancy Brodie
Nancy Wheeler
Norm Filiol
Patricia Sinclair
Peter McKinnon
Rachael Dean
Ray Besharah
Rina Dalibard
Robert Kendall
Robert Rahn
Rolf and Verna Feldman
Ryan Selleck
Sara and Paul Frost
Scott Isaac
Stan Carlson
Susan Bell
Susan Clelland
Susan Monaghan
Ted Mann
Teilhard Paradela
Udo & Pauline Graefe
United Way Eastern Ontario/Centraide Outaouais
Vivian and Gordon
Wendy Daigle Zinn
William Nelson