GCTC is Accepting Applications to the Ontario Arts Council Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators
We are pleased to announce that we will once again participate in the OAC’s Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators program. This program provides funding to theatre creators, as recommended by GCTC and our peers in the professional theatre community.
How does it work?
Candidates submit an application to GCTC through the OAC’s Nova portal (see information below)
After reviewing applications, GCTC makes its recommendations for funding to the OAC
OAC makes the final deliberation and delivers funding directly to the selected artists
What does this funding support?
Creation of new theatrical work (see eligibility guidelines below)
Deadline for applications to GCTC:
November 28, 2022, 1pm
GCTC encourages applications from members of equity-seeking and under-represented communities.
BIPOC and local artists, equity and opportunity for all; to provide meaningful support for under-represented communities in Ottawa's theatre scene.
Submission Instructions
You will be asked to submit the following items:
C.V. (mandatory)
Script Sample of proposed project: 10 - 15 pages. If this doesn’t exist, a sample of previous work will suffice.
Audio/visual material (optional)
For application access and information, please click here.
[Image Description: Text reads "Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators." A stage light in the top right corner shines a spotlight on the text in the centre of the image. In the top left corner are the G C T C and Ontario Arts Council Logos.]
Please read below for more information, as excerpted from the OAC website:
Eligible applicants
professional theatre artists who are residents of Ontario with a permanent physical address in Ontario
ad hoc groups/collectives composed of a majority of Ontario residents
Read the Guide to OAC Project Programs for more eligibility information.
Ineligible applicants
non-professional applicants
employees or board members of the recommending theatre organization, or immediate family members of staff or board members
This program funds
any type of creation activity by eligible applicants
This program does not fund
creation of non-theatre work – e.g. film, radio or TV, fiction, poetry, etc.
workshop costs, except when the intention of the workshop is creation
activities in French (see the Théâtre – projets francophones program)
About recommender grants
Recommenders are organizations authorized by OAC to receive applications, review them and make grant recommendations. OAC allocates a budget to each of the participating recommenders. Within six weeks of an application deadline, the recommender will notify OAC of their grant recommendations. Funding recommendations are reviewed by OAC for final eligibility, and OAC then sends you an email letting you know that your notification letter is available online in Nova.
If recommended a grant, all grant recipients must acknowledge the notification letter in Nova. Individual grant recipients must also enter their Social Insurance Number (SIN). OAC then sends the grant cheque by regular mail.
Recommender grants are outright grants to artists from OAC and cannot be represented as any form of payment to or from the recommender, or to or from any member or director thereof.
Under no circumstances should the grant be considered as a substitute for a commission fee.