Why It's imPossible: A Play about Parenting in Precarious Times

Show Length: This show is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, with no intermission. 

Play Synopsis 

Beth is struggling to stay afloat as a single parent and a working professional. When her publishing job is downsized due to the pandemic, she and her kid are forced to move out of the city, into her mother's basement in a small town. As her child explores their gender, Beth confronts her idea of what a 'good mom' looks like, balancing the urge to protect her child with the desire to support her kid as their authentic self. Why It's imPossible explores the complex relationship between mother and child, life's transitions, and parenting in precarious times.

Who is this suitable for?

This show is suitable for adults, or well-prepared young people 13+. 

An age rating is based on a general idea. You are the best judge of what content is a good fit for you as an individual. Feel free to contact the box office if this note does not answer your questions.

Content notes

These notes below are offered to you based on the text. Since this production is currently being created, additional notes will be added and more information will be available closer to the performance date. Please check back to these notes before the performance. If you have any questions or would like more information, we encourage you to connect with our Access Manager, Drea (email here, or by phone 613-236-5192 x 235).

What is the world of the show? What is the vibe?

Why It's imPossible is a show about the absurd and real difficulties of parenting, especially when you're parenting solo. It follows Beth, who is struggling to keep it all going, to be successful at her job, and a good support to her kid who is exploring their gender identity. Beth has a sense of humour about herself and life, so the show is frequently funny. This show doesn't offer answers but asks questions about how Beth can support her child as they grow into a full expression of themselves. The show aims to empower parents and caregivers to let go of their expectations of who their children will be and support their children as they are; to create a world that is supportive and safe for trans kids.

The following topics are parts of the show: some are significant and others are only mentioned. 

  • Mental health/Depression

  • Medical Diagnosis

  • References to the pandemic

  • Exploration of gender and gender expression 

  • Mention of special education

  • Swearing


[Image Description: Eight content note icons depicting elements from the show: Mental Health/Depression, Medical Diagnosis, Swearing, References to the Pandemic, Gender expression, and Mentions Special Education. ]


[Image description: Text reads “Why It’s imPossible: A play about parenting in precarious times. Co-Created by Sophia Fabiilli & Zoë Sweet. Written by Sophia Fabiilli. Directed by Evalyn Parry. Starring Zoë Sweet.“ An ink drawing of a female figure with bangs and shoulder-length hair. She wears a backpack with rolls strapped to her back. Her body is tattooed with images including a sun and moon, heart, house, a child, as well as text including words such as love, courage, adventure, motherhood, and Covid19. The image is coloured in various shades of purple.]